It's been called the best way to play the game by most people, and I'm proud of that. Over time, the game became a much larger, insane overhaul. After peeking at the games files however, I uncovered a wealth of unused content and decided to contact the original developers about the game.
#Swat 4 sheriffs special forces simulator
Initially, I envisioned SWAT: Elite Force as a tactical simulator that could be used to train police officers in a similar vein to Canadian Forces: Direct Action. Perhaps most importantly, the game actually warns you when you've encountered a penalty. There's also an FOV slider and a mouse smoothing checkbox, preventing you from having to tinker with game files to accomplish the same thing. The game is much more approachable as well, with a cleaned up user interface which functions well on modern widescreen resolutions. Less lethal equipment is truly less lethal, since tasers may incapacitate or even kill the elderly, those in poor health, or drug users, and beanbags, stingers and flashbangs can be hazardous at close range. Grenades and wedges come in 3-packs, at the cost of consuming more weight and bulk. There's twice as many ammo options as in the original game, and the choices matter, since new factors like drag (how much momentum the bullet loses over distance) and ricochet potential (how likely a bullet is to bounce off a surface) vary. The breaching tab has been removed - instead, there are now six tactical slots and the breaching equipment is available as other equipment. In singleplayer, you can also pick your team's helmet and body armor, which protect you similar to how they did in multiplayer. By carrying less weight, you and your officers will move faster, and by carrying less bulk, you and your officers will interact with things faster. Too much equipment, and an officer will become too overencumbered. You'll need to manage your team's weight and bulk. There's over 40 pieces of new equipment, some of which was cut from the original game. The equipment system is incredibly robust. After restraining a suspect or hostage, your team will also report it to TOC. The command system has been vastly improved with a new LEADER THROW set of commands that let you be the one to throw the grenade, and SEARCH AND SECURE, which orders your officers to restrain all compliant hostages/suspects and secure all evidence in range. You'll need the extra speed too, because incapacitated civilians that spawn around the map will die if you aren't quick enough, which will impact your score. Your team is much, much smarter too, and with the restored Speech Recognition feature, you can even order them around with an attached microphone. Suspects can employ a wide variety of personality types, from your usual, sideways-shooting crook to insane domestic terrorists which murder civilians at whim to heavily armored thugs with light machine guns. Doors can have their lock checked with the melee key. You can now aim down the sights, and there are now traps to disarm. The gameplay itself has been drastically changed. Even after you've completed the campaign, there's various flavors of permadeath to tackle.if you think you're Elite enough. If that isn't what you'd prefer, there's also an All Missions campaign which allows you to play through any mission, including custom ones on the hard drive, with any equipment in the game, including some which is multiplayer sepcific. The main campaign, a combination of the vanilla game and The Stetchkov Syndicate, has a carefully crafted unlock system that you can play through with a friend to complete. The broken AI is fixed, cut content has been restored, and every weapon is precisely calibrated to its real world counterpart. The best way to explain SWAT: Elite Force in short is a complete overhaul of the original game. I've spent countless hours playing the game, mostly in CO-OP on servers new and old, and there always seemed to be a glimmer of potential that has never been truly realized by games that followed it. SWAT 4 is a fantastic, if horrendously bugged product.